Friday, October 06, 2006

The Look of Acrid Smell

The week that passed was spent printing and binding papers ad nauseum for the meetings yesterday and today. I think I've added 3 more papercuts to the collection on my hands (容易受伤的女人). And my right bicep looks just a tad more toned than my left one (according to my prejudiced eye).

Spent a long and tedious day, holed up in an offsite meeting, followed closely by a board meeting (it's not easy, the life of an "official powerpoint page changer"). Dragged my starved and tired body over to class after the meetings. They have "free" food at class during the break, you see, so I thought that would be a good reason not to skive classes. Haha. So I eschewed slumped-in-front-of-tv-nite for a lousy tuna sandwich and a styrofoam cup of tea. *Sigh*

Being in tonight's class was like being in a time warp - the time just wouldn't pass! *Groan* Regrets!! Should've skived class!! Greeted by this sight when we went to get my car after class FINALLY ended.

Thanks to the Sumatran fires, our little corner of the world has been shrouded in a dense haze, with the acrid smell of smoke detected even by my very insensitive nose! *gag*


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