Sunday, March 09, 2008

Life Goes On

In three words, I can sum up everything I've learnt about life : it goes on.
~ Robert Frost

On a whim, caught "The Leap Years" at the cinema. Perhaps we're too old and cynical to believe in fairy tales anymore, it seemed a little implausible for someone who knew nothing about somebody else (apart from the fact that he's devastatingly handsome), and in the absence of confirmation of any kind, to wait patiently for four whole years, just on the basis of the faint taste of love left behind after a two-hour date. In real life, we call such persistence "insanity". Perhaps there was a different layer to the story which was not conveyed to us, the viewers. But from our perspective, all this "gut feel" business about "destiny" and "fate"? Foolishness. Bah humbug.

Indeed, life does go on.

Spotted a disturbance in the water near the shoreline, just as we started our weekly walk this week. Moving closer and peering in, we spotted them! Two large PBs, circling each other warily in the waters. It seems the fishies were out in full force this past weekend. M's theory was that the weather had made the waters cold, and the fish were just trying to catch some rays by swimming close to the shoreline. Wonder what the "fish expert" would have theorised?


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