Friday, February 27, 2009

New Beginnings

It seems Mother Nature knew a little about what had been weighing on my mind these days.

The leaves of this lovely lush tree that grows right outside my kitchen window, forming part of the greenery outside The Cave which sometimes makes me feel like I'm living in a tree house, had initially started turning reddish brown, and then falling off in clumps (much like my hair has been doing...). I started worrying that a horrible disease might have gotten a hold of it, and that I might lose part of this green canopy, and contemplated whether I should call in the NParks people to have a look at this public property that is so greatly appreciated and enjoyed. Yesterday, my concerns were soothed. Out with the old, and in with the new, with tender young shoots sprouting throughout. Nature's periodic renewal process is in progress. My tree house is intact. So's my life.
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