Monday, February 26, 2007

View from the Top

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Bedok Reservoir
The reservoir has a surface area of 880,000 m², and a capacity of 12.8 million m³. The mean depth of the reservoir is 9 m, with a maximum depth of 18.2 m. The shoreline length is 4.3 km.
- Wikipedia
(Photo courtesy of YH)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Teaching an old dog new tricks

Hate the new blogger, which forces you to sign in using your google account! And the whole Picasa system for loading photos onto your blog is screwed up now! Aarrrghhh!

Far from the Madding Crowd (3)

Red-eared terrapins catching some rays in Botanic Gardens. Cool, dude!

New shoot - Evolution Garden, Botanic Gardens

Didn't even have to head to Hokkaido to see a field of purple flowers! Found it in our own Garden City's Botanic Gardens!

Far from the Madding Crowd (2)

The shady cycling path we "discovered" tucked away in a corner

The Terap Tree which grows these...

...giant leaves!

Itsy bitsy spider, sitting on the...

Far from the Madding Crowd

Secret fishing spot...tasted the excitement of reeling in a catch! Erm, the Sebarau that got away was *this* big!! Honest!
... No matter how cute they look!
Skivers from the humdrum of everyday worklife (just like us. Har har). Posted by Picasa