Monday, July 29, 2013

Return to the Grind

Tomorrow marks what would, hopefully, be a soft landing for my return to the grind. Albeit a short one.

It's funny how life pans out, as always. One moment, I'm reading an interesting article about interesting and low-unemployment careers that most college-going kids don't know about (and hence, have not considered. Airport traffic controller - How does one get into such a job??). The next, I've found yet another job which I didn't know existed right before I sent in my application for the position.

After what was undoubtedly an unjustifably tedious battery of tests for such a lowly-paid position (Really? You think someone who has only gotten as far as their 'O' or 'N' Levels would be widely read enough to know the meaning of the word, "Abjure"??), I got the news that my waking hours are soon to be back in the shackles of "office hours".

When this blog started some years' back, I told myself to keep an open mind about where I might land after taking a flying leap off a ledge into the dark. Once again, I find myself whispering the same mantra again...

In preparation, I actually had to dig deep into the wardrobe for some "proper" work wear to last me a couple of days. I say "proper", because in my previous worklife, I was prone to wearing any old rubbish to work. There was "no government" in this respect, so to speak. My only nod to my past (and so no one mistakes me for the help and asks me to go make them a coffee) was to wear a black suit on board meeting days. That, along with most of that part of my wardrobe that resembled sombre board meeting-wear, had been vacuum-packed away 18 months ago. I have yet to face reality enough to climb a ladder to unpack that back into the wardrobe space. I shall leave that for another day when I feel less reluctant (or when necessity forces my hand).

Meanwhile, deep breath. Ready to step off the ledge.


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