Monday, March 19, 2007

So what did YOU get up to this weekend? (1)

In an effort to be hip and trendy, we celebrated CT's birthday by driving all the way out to Sentosa on a Friday night, and lolling about on the large sofas and armchairs scattered around the beach at Cafe Del Mar. Sipping on our (non-alcoholic) drinks ("Don't drink and drive!", so say the TP posters everywhere), watching the coconut trees swaying in the breeze ("They remove the coconuts, don't they? It'd be very dangerous to leave the coconuts to fall on party-goers, right??") and the setting sun in the horizon, aaah, what a wonderful life!

By 10.30 pm, a couple of us had spent the last half hour yawning conspicuously, with one brazen friend actually nodding off in an much for hip and trendy...

Waking up bright and early, we checked out the newly revamped Labrador Park.

Struggling for survival in Labrador Park

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