Monday, May 28, 2007

Taking a Walk on the Wild(life) Side

This weekend was "Family Day". As part of the Rec Club organising this, I had to be up bright and early, and on my way to the Zoo to fulfil my "duties". Brought the 2 monsters with me (with maid in tow, seeing as I would be otherwise preoccupied with my duties), and it would appear they had a ball of a time. There was fun and games, a treasure hunt, feeding of the elephants, a miniature horse and a boa constrictor made special appearances, lots of little kiddies running around, and a lucky draw which included 2 PSPs to be won (evidently the highlight of the entire event)! The proceedings went smoothly enough, and we even got some additional perks due to the identities of our "VIPs"... :)
The 2 elephants that made an appearance caused a minor commotion amongst the guests. Lots of people fighting to feed fruits to them. We found out how elephants ate watermelons! :)
This beautiful 4-year-old boa constrictor made a guest appearance during the event. Apparently, they live to an average of 50 years, so this one's a toddler... There're no fangs in this one, as a constrictor kills by squeezing the life out of its prey (as implied by its name). So, go on, it's safe to stroke the guest star!
No, it's not a pony. It's a "miniature horse". And a fiesty one, this was. Kept biting the rope that was its "leash" and shaking its head whenever guests got near to pose for photos with it. Bizarre, really. To see such a stunted animal.
Getting a body tattoo. They're starting so young these days...

Feeding the manatees. *burp*

Phwoarr!! Check out the size of the catfish!!

*Huge sigh of relief* I believe that's MY duty for the Rec Club done for the year.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Spring Time in NYC

The tree outside Ben's apartment when we first arrived.

Two weeks' later - spring has burst forth.
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Animal Farm

The menagerie of animals guarding the mess on my office desk
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

The start of the hot season

Three weeks ago, before I headed off on my holiday, we made one last trip to Macritchie Reservoir. A short and easy walk, just enough to wear me out so that I can sleep easily on the plane ride over (not that I've ever had any problems sleeping. It's staying awake that I have a problem many movies, so little time...).

It was a sunny day, and the fishies were out in full force. Must be breeding season... :) Those little red flashes you see? That's the sunlight reflecting off the little red fishies. (These fish are called "lampan", apparently. They're "food fish"...).


A fitting finish to 2 weeks of non-stop walking...

What the...?

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Chinese cemetary grounds in New Jersey


Paying respect. It's been 8 years since her passing. This is our first visit to Po-po's grave.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Nu Yoik, Nu Yoik!

Land of the Plenty!
En-Waeh-Cee, folks!
Here're a few more icons of The Big Apple, spotted along the way...DAYS of walkin' about the city...Chrysler Building, one-time contender for tallest building in the world!
Yes, She was HUGE...
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