Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Girl, Interrupted

An email from a cousin a few days ago reminded me of this time last year. A couple of colleagues and I had ambitiously signed up for a mini triathlon. Two of my colleagues were supposed to do the swimming and running legs, while I was to do my part in the cycling leg. Subsequent intervening events put paid to THAT adventure.

After much lamenting about the sad state of my fitness level to several friends, blaming the various ailments I've been experiencing on the onslaught of the advancing years, I finally got off my ass last week.

Taking it easy on my first outing, I took a shorter, paved route parallel to the gravel path around the shoreline, walking briskly for just over half an hour. I worked up a light sweat alright, keeping pace with an extremely slow jogger in front of me.

Today, with the radio forecasting, "Heavy rains soon! Take your umbrellas with you!", I gamely changed into my workout gear, peered anxiously at the sky, and set off on my brisk walk around the reservoir. Fellow walkers, joggers, cyclists, roller-bladers and I. MP3 players plugged in and strapped on, with the scent of freshly mown grass hanging in the air, gravel cruching under our feet, we all moved to our own tempos. Off in the distance, the fiery sun was quickly slipping under the horizon. I spot a ripple in the water, and walked towards it for a closer look. Hmm, no sign of the long-tailed macaques spotted last week on my sojourn. Maybe because the old guy who was feeding them last week was nowhere in sight!

Made it through the 4-km shoreline in just under an hour. *beam* Well, there WAS the added incentive of lightning criss-crossing the skies towards the end of my walk, spurring me on!

I already have in mind another spot to check out on my next sojourn...


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