Saturday, June 02, 2007


A-hunting we will go, a-hunting we will go...

Not exactly up bright and early, but earlier than most of the other fishermen! Brimming over with enthusiasm, armed with a loaf of bread (amongst other fishing paraphernalia), and coated with a generous layer of sunblock, I trotted after "The Expert" to the reservoir, round to the spot where we'd caused a feeding frenzy amongst the buttkefori two days ago.

Ok, so you can't really see the buttkefori I landed here. But I swear it was *THIS* big!! Haha! After a few catches, we decided to shift locations to another one of our island's reservoirs.

Here's the terapin checking us odd-looking creatures out. That, or it's waiting impatiently for us to toss out the bread!
An earth-eater! Landed a couple of these! Good fighters! Better than the lampans (of which I landed two), and even the Mayan Cichlid! Woohoo!! Don't worry, animal lovers! We released all the catches of the day, some of whom were too stunned to even swim away after we released them. Guess they're back with their "hoodies" now, recounting their close encounters of the third kind with pride and relief ("I don't know what happened! One moment, I was nibbling on this piece of bread. Next thing I knew, *BOOM* there was an invisible force pulling me in! I started floating towards a really bright light and some shadowy giant figures peering at me! I have no recollection of what happened to me after that, but all of a sudden, I found myself back here with you guys!")
Taking it easy after a morning of bringing in the fishies, we took a walk through the fishing facilities in Bottle Tree Park. Lots of tilapia brazenly swimming about. Some strange little fishies which stumped even YH. A fresh water carp was hooked by a paying fisherman just before the "closing bell".

Tired and satisfied with the day's adventures, I will spend the night dreaming about the ones that got away...


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