Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle...As with last year, I did the Christmas dinner for the family this year, catering the food in from the same source which had received rave reviews last year (why fix something that ain't broken, eh?).

Was a little better planned this year, collecting the food in advance, with sufficient time to clean up, wash and set the table with all the nice crockery and cutlery I have in store, wine glasses that get an airing once a year (yes, it was exactly last December these glasses were last used), and even the nice coffee cups I've never used since I purchased them in a vintage store in Melbourne some years back!

Table's set. Candles are lit. Appropriate aroma scenting the air. Music from iPod plugged in and playing in background.
Food's heating up in the oven. All set for Christmas Dinner 2008!

Needless to say, the succulent pork ribs were a hit. They were as tasty as we remembered it to be. 

Merry Christmas, to one and all! May 2009 be a year as full of blessings and happiness as 2008 had been. 

Here's to more stories coming up.

P/s. I even got my act together to shop (and wrap) all the requisite Christmas pressies this year! Many gold stars for me! Yay!


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