Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Culinary Adventures I

I name this Part I because I seem to have embarked on a culinary adventure of late. Not helped by our friend not really taking any interest in being responsible for ensuring we are fed, so I've been spending a little more time and making a little more effort in this aspect of our lives.

Over the weekend, it was my turn to feed the family. I got the recipe (and the secret ingredient!) to dish up a big bowl of vongole with angel hair pasta. It went down well enough (though there were no rave reviews except from myself. Probably because I knew how low my competency level has been all along). Heh. 

So this evening, with leftover chicken stock and wine sitting in the fridge, I was inspired to repeat the performance. Alas, the supermarket was not co-operative, and there were no clams to be had for the evening. So I changed tack, and went for prawns and oyster mushrooms instead. 

*Burp* Mm, mm!! An excellent effort, if I may say so myself! *pat on back* The aroma of the mushrooms, wine, and chicken stock, wafting through the cave, was mouth-watering. The best part of all this was, it took less than half an hour to throw the whole thing together, including trimming the prawns' unwanted bits. The prawns rounded out the chicken stock, giving it a robust flavour, and the chilli gave it a real kick. A hit recipe, by my books! Now, I'm inspired to vary the recipe, and attempt a herbal prawn soupy thing. :) I can't believe I'm actually excited about cooking...

On a separate note, CMY decided we HAD to try the durian puree dessert in this shop along Liang Seah Street. Yes, she is a real durian freak. So she and M had her favourite, the durian puree with pomelo and mango bits. Whereas I was a little more "adventurous" and went for the double boiled milk with durian puree. It was basically durian puree "injected" into the soft and smooth double boiled milk dessert. Both of which were good, but really, shouldn't be eaten together for full enjoyment. :P 

Akan datang - our Paella & Sangria Night, and Baking Tea Breads session will be coming up next month. Looking forward to getting pissed and pretending it was all in the name of picking up a new skill. Heh heh. :)


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