Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's an absolute travesty! It started early this morning with sounds of electric saws busy at work. I came downstairs to see these workers, busy wielding their electric saws against the lush canopy of the trees at the carpark.
By the time I got home, a big portion of the lush canopy I used to look out onto from my kitchen window was gone! Aarrghh! My tree house is no more! More like, house amongst stilts!! BAH!!

I put in a call to the Town Council when I got into the office, to find out what their plans were, and they promised to get back to me by today. Of COURSE they didn't! (BAH) Said something about how some residents must've complained about birds and such, and therefore, they are "bollarding" (whatever. That was the term they used. Thought that was a noun for a little cement pillar-like structure, usually found at spots where they wish to prevent vehicles from entering. But what do I know??) the trees to prevent the birds from roosting or resting there. Huh?? Isn't that one of the purposes of trees?? Are we human beings supposed to have sole "reign" over trees, to the exclusion of other occupants of this planet?? 



At 4:26 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You should file a complain against the people complaining about the birds. Maybe the Town Council will send the axe men and chop them off :)


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