Monday, April 27, 2009


Everyone who knows me, knows well enough how little interest I pay to politics. Apathetic would be an understatement. Oddly enough, since I've become a citizen 8 years' back, I've had the privilege to cast my vote twice in the General Election. Some of you may not realize this, but that IS a real privilege on The Little Red Dot. Some citizens have lived to my age without ever having had this privilege.

Having said the above, it surprised even myself to know how much I have been riveted by the recent saga that had been unfolding at AWARE - a 26-year-old organization which is devoted to "promoting equal opportunities for women, so as to improve the quality of life of women in the Singapore" (mission taken from their website). 

I'm moved to blog just this little bit of my opinion, chiefly because I can't help drawing parallels between this and what is currently playing out at the workplace - that the legitimacy of leadership rests on more than just procedural compliance. Without honour and integrity accompanying the process, there can be no respect. 

Those who have no choice may do as they're told. But you'll never have their whole-hearted support. And why should this matter, you ask? Because you'll soon realize the weight one should accord to such terms as loyalty and support when the tide turns against you. As the new guards are now finding out.

And, it just seems odd to me for people to only want equality for SOME people. How soon before things descend into, "Four legs good, two legs better" territory? Where do you draw the line on that slippery slope? 


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