Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big Bang

It's just a number. But a milestone nonetheless. And to celebrate it, we took a girlie trip across the border, ate, spa-ed, and shopped ourselves silly.
Kick starting the day with a breakfast of fluffy, cripsy roti canai and a cup of teh tarik. How else should we start the day? :)
Present gratefully received and carefully unwrapped
Making our way swiftly to the spa to get our bodies scrubbed down and kneaded. Aaahhh! That's the life! 
After the pampering treatment to the skin, it was time to feed the stomach! Onwards to the mall, to gorge ourselves! 
In the evening, we met up with S and C, who took us to a scrumptious seafood location, and thence to an extremely local joint, where we had Tulang Mee Rebus! Eeks to the tulang, but the mee rebus was tasty, and all was consumed in the quaint atmosphere of atap huts on a hilly location. With a birthday cake of sinful kueh lapis too. *burp*

Creepy hotel experience notwithstanding, we enjoyed ourselves tremendously. And vowed to make our way back there again in the very near future (all in the name of stimulating the global economy, and heeding the advice to "spend our way out of the recession", of course!).


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