Monday, January 25, 2010

Kickin' off the Weekend

Yay, it's Friday! Tested out the new-ish highway and made our way to the little food enclave in Hougang to search for something worthy to kick off our weekend with. Found it in a dingy kopitiam. "Never say no to pork satay!", says Our Friend.
Fried hokkien prawn mee, and a side of ngo hiang. Our Friend promptly declared that he would be starting on his "ngo hiang" phase with immediate effect...:)
Saturday afternoon was spent at the matinee performance of "Men in Tutus". It was a slapstick sort of performance. Enjoyed it, but probably wouldn't go back to see it again. Don't see how it could be fresh and funny again after the first time. Some of the men looked scary in their makeup and tutus... Rounded off the night with Thai-style BBQ and steamboat in Little Thailand. It was thoroughly enjoyed all round, though Our Friend and I both paid the price for it via "detoxification exercises" in the loo for the next two days...:P
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