Sunday, February 06, 2011


I've been spending a lot of time thinking about this. And I've made a list.

When the time comes, these are some of the things I intend to do :-

1. Read. Maybe target 1 book a week.
2. Be one of those people attending a yoga class at 10.30 am on a week day.
3. Sign up for Bahasa classes and make a proper effort at learning it.
4. Build up my endurance in swimming.
5. Cycle more.
6. Pack and organize the apartment.
7. Volunteer my time in a cause I believe in.

It's part of the coping mechanism. Somehow, having a plan in place takes away some of the fear of the inevitable and the unknown.

I tell myself it's not so bad. I've known so many people that this has happened to, in this age of uncertainty. The iron rice bowl era has long gone. I, myself, have made a big change in my life not so long ago and started all over again. I can deal with it, I assure myself.

In fact, it could even be something to look forward to. The luxury of time has not been something I've had before. Not in this quantity. Having a plan in place to use it wisely would give me something to show for it when the luxury ends, which it inevitably will or has to.

So, I've been thinking. And planning.