Monday, November 27, 2006

Of Monsters, Walkabouts & The Big Reveal

The “Two Monsters” having a ball at my office event on Friday. Managed to burn them out with an afternoon of wreaking havoc, and then dinner at Waraku. The younger one was so wiped out by night time, she crawled straight into bed without showering…*relief*

Saturday afternoon, Y and I spent a happy few hours checking out the touristy shops in Kampong Glam. X’mas gifts for colleagues – mission accomplished!

Headed back East to pick A up for a cuppa, some catching up, and to relieve her from the “Three Monsters". Conversation continued on Monday night with dinner at Y's, where we laughed so hard doing something so evil (of the "lightning will strike you dead" variety), we were literally rolling around on the sofa, with tears streaming down our faces...*cower from lightning*

Saturday night was the Thanksgiving Clan get-together. Rellies, wait for email link to the photos of the spread you guys missed! And pay attention to the lady in the orange cardi...


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