Sunday, March 25, 2007


While we were clearing out Dad's old office of files and papers, some dating back more than 20 years, I picked up 2 of these. Gonna re-upholster these and put them in my new digs! :)


It's a crime to leave such a beautiful structure derelict! All those happy memories formed at the movies, left to fade into oblivion...

Two old guys, reminiscing about old times (so I imagine)


Like moths to an open fire, we streamed, with eyes glazed over, towards the giant lit structures in the East, to join the crowds at late night hypermart shopping.

Monday, March 19, 2007

So what did YOU get up to this weekend? (1)

In an effort to be hip and trendy, we celebrated CT's birthday by driving all the way out to Sentosa on a Friday night, and lolling about on the large sofas and armchairs scattered around the beach at Cafe Del Mar. Sipping on our (non-alcoholic) drinks ("Don't drink and drive!", so say the TP posters everywhere), watching the coconut trees swaying in the breeze ("They remove the coconuts, don't they? It'd be very dangerous to leave the coconuts to fall on party-goers, right??") and the setting sun in the horizon, aaah, what a wonderful life!

By 10.30 pm, a couple of us had spent the last half hour yawning conspicuously, with one brazen friend actually nodding off in an much for hip and trendy...

Waking up bright and early, we checked out the newly revamped Labrador Park.

Struggling for survival in Labrador Park

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Monday, March 12, 2007

So what did YOU get up to this weekend (2)

This boy reeled in a fugu fish, which put up a spirited fight! Adrenaline pumping action!

View of the jetty from the top of Labrador Park. Top of the World!

Sunset at Upper Peirce Reservoir. Little kiddies trying their hand at lobster fishing.

Success! One of the captive lobsters...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Adventures in the Rain

Hokkien puppet wayang in Jalan Kayu to celebrate Monkey God (Sun Wukong) festival. This is apparently a BIG thing in Taiwan. The show lasted until the Heavens opened up...must've been a touching story...I wouldn't know. Can't speak a word of hokkien...

Coconut picking in Jalan Kayu. Check out the "goal keeper" at the bottom of the driveway, ready to "hope" any wayward rolling coconuts...

Seletar Reservoir, with rain clouds threatening in the distance

Some rich Fokker's private jet...HAR HAR.

Dinner at the Sunset Grill & Pub, Seletar

Buffalo wings (Level 3 spiciness), and some rather excellent sirloin steak and pork chop. The grilled veggies were yummy! The food was surprisingly good for such an out-of-the-way cafe whose highlight was probably dining/drinking against a backdrop of a spectacular sunset. Experience was slightly marred by having to expend some effort on swatting some persistent flies, who insisted on kamikaze attacks on our dinner. But overall, still a highly recommended location for dinner and drinks amidst a relaxed atmosphere.

Sunset at Bedok Reservoir

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