Sunday, June 10, 2007

Girl, Interrupted - Part II

It's been a while, and I've been postponing a lot of things for lack of time (or motivation. Heh heh). An unexpected development having put time into my hands, I lit a fire under my ass and started on the many projects I'd not managed to get down to in recent months.

Project 1
Continuing on the path of "getting fit to fight off the deterioration of the body due to advancing years", J and I snuck into a friend's condo to take an invigorating dip in the warm waters of the pool (despite friend not being in said condo. Hence, "snuck"). Managed a couple more laps than I expected, so am feeling particularly virtuous today...:D A security guard patrolling the area caused a little stab of fear in my heart (very unglam to be thrown out of condo pool unceremoniously for trespassing), but he went about his business, paying scant attention to us. *whew* We carried on with a few more laps. After failing to turn on the sauna in the guest bathroom (apparently, 2 LLBs and a Master's in Arts Management is still insufficient knowledge to turn on such a sophisticated machine), we gave up, showered, sauntered nonchalantly back to the car, and left the condo. Headed to the nearby hawker centre, looking for a shot of caffeine to tide us through the day.

Project 2 (Part B)
After I got home, I started on my next project. Clearing out the clutter. I'd made a headstart some months back, but ran out of steam, overwhelmed by the daunting task, by the sheer amount of clutter.

Still awash with the afterglow of virtuousness from the morning, and armed with a ladder and a huge trashbag, I started the de-clutter exercise. An hour of ruthless culling and a bucket of sweat later, I have cleared out most of the cupboards in the front bedroom. We are now left with 3 each of spare single-bed and double-bed bedsheets, 2 coverlets (still in good condition and actually quite tasteful), and some spare blankets (for those occasions when the Clan descends upon us).

Yay. *Pat on back* Next week, I'm targetting the storeroom. I think a concurrent de-clutter exercise needs to be commenced on my own wardrobe and possessions...

Part A was actually the start of my project to landscape the garden of the house. I finally got sick and tired of the mismatched and haphazard plants surrounding the house. Last week, before my regular foot massage session, I headed out to a nearby nursery and got some plants. That took care of the front of the house. A nice "flame of the forest" with orange flowers (which is more like a "bush" than the gigantic tree you see lining our roads) for the front planter box, and some nice leafy bushy plants for the strip of soil along the garage. Fingers crossed that the new plants will thrive in their chosen locations. I'm hoping for a more leafy and green facade when approaching the house.

"One step at a time, one step at a time"...


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