Saturday, August 18, 2007


After much discussion, we settled on good ole' Yet Con Chicken Rice for dinner.

Traffic in the city on this evening was horrendous. I don't know whether it was the rain, the fact that it was Friday night, or that the rabid mob were all headed into the area to watch the fireworks display that night. I inched all the way to pick up my dinner kakis (almost slicing off the side mirror of a Merc which tried to cut into my lane), inched all the way to the restaurant where I dropped them off, and inched all the way to the carpark to deposit the car for the night.

As could be expected with 2 foodie fiends on a night out, we over-ordered and over-ate. Half a chicken, big bowl of soup, egg foo-yong, sambal kang kong, and 4 bowls of rice between 3 of us. And as if that wasn't enough, this was what we had for "dessert" ("Might as well, since we're already in the area, and the car's parked", says P).

My favourite drink, any time of the day!
Soft fluffy bread...
...with a generous layer of kaya and that signature chunk of butter!


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