Sunday, December 23, 2007

Old Dog, New Tricks

I was in 7th Heaven, due to my discovery of the new Cold Storage in Kallang Leisurepark! This is my attempt to stock my fridge, in anticipation of my culinary efforts in the coming festive season...
Solo eating also must be healthy mah! Mushrooms were 50% off...
With the advent of grocery shops starting to charge for the plastic bags they hand out for you to cart your purchases home, I have found the cool and trendy answer to that attack. The Envirosax - saving Planet Earth, one plastic bag at a time...
S and her hubs kindly drove all the way out from JB to help teach me how to cook. I dutifully brought them to the newly discovered 7th Heaven (see above) where S was in raptures over the choice of goods available on the shelves. Trotted home with many, many bags of stuff (this was WAY beyond the capacity of the Envirosax) and S proceeded to spend many hours slaving over the hot stove (and the ONE solitary wok that I own), cooking up this storm. Check it out! Pan-seared chicken breast with Gruyere cheese and mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, and baby carrots on the side. All sitting nicely on my Alfred Meakin "Gay Fantasy" range of plates. YUM-MY!
In the belly of the Beast - the new LaSalle College in town. Its architecture had stopped me in my tracks the first time I set eyes on it. So when I was in the area yesterday to get a new wireless router (the old one having mysteriously conked off quite suddenly and without warning overnight), I took the opportunity to stroll through the atrium of the building, peering in for a closer look. Impressive!


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