Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Symbolic Move

Finally "tikam-ed" a date from the calendar, and did my symbolic move into Proj NH this week. Did the requisite "turn on all the lights and run all the taps" (thankfully, power and water surge did not cause any major power interruption in the building...).
Rice pot full - check!
Oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce, and various condiments complete - check!
Clean sofa covers back on sofa - check! Cowhide rug tediously lugged back from Sydney trip - check!
Cheap melamine party plates (in preparation of forthcoming parties) - check!
In the midst of all this, S paid a visit from Hong Kong. Maid pulled out all stops during family dinner...
After sending S off to the airport on Saturday afternoon, we sated our hunger for "the best dua tow ever" (KH's personal opinion, which Y and I soundly endorse) at G7. Yum yum!
Spicy frog! Excellent gravy for accompanying porridge!
*Burp* Aftermath...

Further purchases were made for the coming festivities and move. More decorative effort will be expended in the coming weeks...*frisson of excitement in anticipation* And by the way, how much effort does one need to make to get one's grubby little paws on the iRobot Roomba Discovery??? I have failed twice in my attempts to acquire one, as I'm sick and tired of dirty feet every time I trek up with more personal belongings to Proj NH...aarrghhh!


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