Friday, November 09, 2007

The Long Sleep

Today, I heard a piece of news. It was unexpected. Yet, it wasn't.

News of a death affects me differently these days. I used to be very matter-of-fact upon receipt of such news. "Nobody can escape the long sleep", a friend once said to me. And so, what is there to lament, right? It's an event that happens to all of us, sooner or later.

These days, when I hear of a death, I think not of the event itself, but of the loss it brings. I guess this is what a life lived brings to one - perspective. When you participate in the many experiences life has to offer (some of which are simply thrust upon you, whether you like it or not), you learn how different things can look from all the different angles (especially on the "inside") . No longer standing on the sidelines, looking in as a stranger. You finally learn the full meaning of the word, "empathy".

“Every man dies - Not every man really lives.” William Ross Wallace

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.” Anon.

It's what I'm trying to do.


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