Sunday, August 31, 2008

Who's Saree Now?

Tacky, I know. :P

In view of the multicultural mix at her coming nuptials next year, JA decided on an east-east mix for her wedding finery - cheong sam-ish cropped top, with a saree.  

So, on a hot Saturday afternoon, with our tummies filled with good food, we headed off to a recommended shop for a looksee and shopping. Sarees galore. JA was hell-bent on a turquoise saree, as she was convinced it would best set off her features, given her very fair complexion. So we trawled through the shop's entire collection of turquoise sarees of various shades, eventually settling on one which completely did NOT match her specially tailor-made cheong sam top. So, what's a girl to do, but to shop for new fabric to tailor make ANOTHER top to match the saree, right? :) Off to People's Park we go...

Million Dollar View

Or so I'd like to think. :D

When I saw this place, the first thing that had caught my eye was the fact that the view was relatively open on all fronts, and that I could see a lot of greenery from the windows. Having moved in and lived here for over half a year, I now know that I also get a million dollar view of the long slow sunsets at the end of the day from my bedroom window.

Caught during that little gap between night and dusk.

Does the spectacular sunset herald more rain in the days to come?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

On a Cold and Rainy Day

Waking up to a cold and rainy day, and getting rained on, on the ride in, I decided this called for a nice hot breakfast. Too bad, we walloped the soy bean drink and you tiao brekkie I got on the way in, before pics could be taken! *burp* You are welcome to turn a brighter shade of green, as the you tiao was fresh, crunchy yet chewy, and the soy bean drink was hot and sweet. A perfect combination, washed down by a hot cup of teh c!
For lunch, someone had suggested going for the daily soup at Asia Grand Restaurant. Formerly "Tsui Hang Village Restaurant" at Asia Hotel (now sadly demolished to make way for some spanking new building or other), they have now re-opened in the Odeon Towers, where Chef Chan's restaurant used to stand. Check out the multi-coloured starters, which had little chunks of fish cake, making it an interesting mix of sweet, sour, and savoury.
The succulent and soft steamed pork ribs. In the background, we had already polished off three of the shao mai (juicy without tasting full of fatty pork), leaving a lonely one standing, trembling with fear of being the next victim...
Our daily soup, being dished out by the very attentive service staff. Steaming hot dried veggie and pork soup. Tasty without the MSG. What more could one ask for?

See how thick the soup was?? Nothing like some warm liquid sloshing about in your belly on a cold and rainy day! Satisfying!
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

House Bound

Gosh, what kind of freaky low pressure has enshrouded the island?? It's been raining for 2 straight days! By that, I mean the kind of persistent pissing down that seems to go on forever. 

It all started on Friday evening, causing massive jams on the roads and a delay to the start of the company D&D (that's a rant that's better not posted, even if it was rather mirth-ful at times). At first, it felt wonderful. Rain during the weekend and night means cool weather best spent lolling about in bed, not doing anything of an exerting nature. Household chores be damned! 

But TWO days' worth of rain? I've run out of websites to surf to, TV programmes to watch, magazines to read, and even instant noodles to fill the stomach. And I certainly couldn't muster up the energy to embark on my various half-finished projects. Sigh.

Weekend's coming to an end. I'm going to have to wade to the car and not let the weekend go to waste by trudging through the rain to find some entertainment with friends. I can feel cabin fever gripping my soul...


Monday, August 04, 2008

Introducing, the Ladies!

By popular demand, here they are! Bella on the left, and Lulu on the right! Why "Lulu"? Because it just seems appropriate to name an easy ride "Lulu". HAR-HAR. This is Lulu post-"zhng". New front panel and mudguard (because the previous owner had "buanged" the bike), new brown handles to match the brown seat, new brake grips, a new box, and a hot Hawaiian lady sticker to go with its retro looks. I know, I know. Nothing that makes the bike go faster. But it sure looks good as it mosies along slowly! :D
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7th Month

Well, it's arrived - Hungry Ghosts Festival. The time when the gates of Hell supposedly open and all the Hungry Ghosts get their vacation time on earth...Lots of offerings are given to appease the "visitors", and one is exhorted not to wander around 'til late at night, "just in case". There's a massive tent set up in the void deck of a nearby block, and shows are staged nightly for the "visitors" to keep them busy. I guess it's in the hopes that they'd be so occupied they wouldn't be out creating disturbances amongst us. *shiver*
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Happy Birthday, Singapore!

Oops. A little late, due to faulty laptop charger. Nevertheless...
Majullah, Singapura!

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Sunday, August 03, 2008


A funny and meaningful post from one of my frequently visited blogs, Mr Wang Says So.

Remember the author of "The Teenage Textbook"? For those of you who do, the author who made you giggle and burst out laughing in embarassment because you recognised so much of your awkward pimply teenage self in that book, is still as funny as ever, laying out a different perspective he has in life. Having personally done most of the things he advises NOT to do with one's life, then having a midlife crisis and stumbling over to the other side of the septic tank in the garden, yes, I can agree that he is right in his advice. Doubtless, there is a bit of disorientation and thrashing about down the wrong path initially. However, you'll find that the grass IS greener over on this side. Come on over! Don't stay over on the lallang overgrown, water-logged, mosquito-infested side!  

"Do not waste the vast majority of your life doing something you hate so that you can spend the small remainder sliver of your life in modest comfort. You may never reach that end anyway."

Be brave. Take a chance. Leap off into the dark. Do what you want to do, instead of what others expect of you. Don't stay on the straight and narrow. Don't be a square peg, squashed into a round hole. Life is for LIVING. Don't wait. Don't procrastinate. 

Oh, and don't forget to temper your pursuit of life and its many adventures with kindness. :)