Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sofa, So Good

Still on a roll, I was spending the wee hours of the weekend morning, trawling Craigslist, when I came upon the sofa of my desires. This was the 3-seater-cum-overnighter which I had been salivating after for a while!

On a frugality drive when I first moved, I had amassed a mishmash of furniture from various kind friends with spare furniture. Now, I finally feel ready to decorate my little cave with Thing I Love (or at least, Things I Want). And so, the hunt had begun, which included much trawling of the secondhand shops and websites of people wanting to clear their caves.

Torn. I was torn between 2 sofas, both of which I had set my heart on, and both of which were now going for a fraction of their original price. It's a sign! I'm MEANT to buy at least ONE of them! After some soul searching, I decided a single gal who's not quite "the hostess with the mostest" doesn't REALLY need a 4-by-2-seater L-shaped sofa... besides, the whole point of getting such a long sofa was to have a "spare bed" for the odd overnight guest (it's not happened yet but one can hope!). And so, for the princely sum of $200, I got myself the sofa of my desires, and had it delivered to my place this morning.

All fired up with enthusiasm, I skipped yoga class this evening to rush home, just so I could get started on piecing this together. Now, I have to admit, it DOES help to have been a Technical student previously, and to hold a decent 'O' Level in "Fashion & Fabrics". This secondhand disassembled sofa did not come with instructions. I had to piece it all together like a jigsaw puzzle without a picture.

Pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, waiting to be pieced together.
Wrapped up bits of the sofa, waiting to be unwrapped and identified.
Two hours of much heaving and shoving and meddling with some nuts and bolts later...
Ta-dah! My new sofa! *pat on own back* Now, you must excuse me while I go lie down on the bed I made (literally)...


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