Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Getaway

It was one of the most fun I had ever had at a wedding! I guess it made all the difference that I was there for people whom I actually cared about. 

I had a smile welling up all the way from my heart throughout the entire proceedings. I was THAT happy for the couple. For having found each other in the sea of searching singles out there, for persevering, for keeping an open mind, for overcoming doubts and differences in religion, race, and even values, to finally take that plunge to share a life together. I guess it's the romantic in me feeling all that LURVE is all around us...heh heh heh.

We took the opportunity to spend the night at the hotel. A little getaway from the main island. It turned out to be a most enjoyable break from the usual routine. For a change, we actually had to get up early enough for the free breakfast that came with the room! :P After checking out, we took the chance to play tourists and visited the Underwater World. Been meaning to pay a visit there for a long time, but somehow, just never got around to it. It was small and crowded with children on their school holidays, but we enjoyed the outing like we were school kids on an excursion, experimenting at the various stations, snapping photos and squealing away (well, I did anyway) when the stingrays swam by and splashed water at the naughty children taunting them at the water's edge (*hah*). Much fun was had all round. Pics of the outing another day, when I can get those photos out of W's camera. :D

Meanwhile, here's one of the peacocks which roam the island freely. Did you know they climb trees??

But the weekend ended too soon. 48 hours is too short for a weekend! Must conspire another break soon...I so need a break! 


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