Monday, March 23, 2009



Sometimes, one is wont to spend too much time worrying about a future (good or bad) which may never arrive. One's sight is cast so far ahead, one misses whatever is before one's eyes. From young, the story of the little singing grasshopper and the hardworking ant is drilled into one's consciousness, leading to a fear, bordering on paranoia, of starvation should one let down just a moment's guard to enjoy the present.

For what would be the point of rueing the little paper wealth one manages to scrounge together in this life, when none of these are "transferable" to the hereafter? Would we only realize, too late, that the sunsets from our window have always been spectacular displays of fiery colours across the majestic skies, but we had been too busy dreaming about the bigger window to look out of?

Recent events are a timely reminder to re-align one's perspective with what one values in one's life.

只是近黄昏, 夕阳无限好

And sometimes, a touch of bitterness lends one the ability to truly appreciate the sweet parts of life.

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