Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Aftermath

*cough cough*

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Adventure Continues

In case all you guys out there think we only spent our time eating...this was how we were spending the rest of our time!

But of course, the DU hokkien mee was on the agenda!

And on the second day of Christmas...Penang Hae Mee!

One of the "configurations" for bike riding we saw in KL

A spot of shopping was done between all that eating and surfing

"The Malaysian iGallop", says Kev (Malaysia, Boleh!)

More displays of patriotism

Part 1 of dinner : 四姑's famous 黄酒鸡

Part 2 of dinner : the famous Ipoh Beansprout and Chicken

After all the excesses of the past few days, we thought we'd have a light lunch of Jap food...

The notorious Wong family steamboat, where one eats until one cannot sit up straight...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

And on Christmas Day...

Breakfast of wonton mee

A spot of light shopping in the city

By popular demand...the Jln Bellamy Ikan Bakar! Well worth braving KL traffic for!

Nah, the stringray!

And the keli (a.k.a. catfish)

Stay tuned for the hokkien mee...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

X'mas Party Part II (Lawr & MK's)

11 am, curry mee...

2.30 pm,Yong Tau Foo

Jingle Bells...

X''mas Party Part I (Kev n Von's)

Checking on the smoking roast pork
Yum Seng!
D Funky Moose on d Wall!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

"Oh look! It's the Cool Crocs' Clan!"

4 am morning call...zzzz...uneventful drive up (for me, since I was lying asleep on the backseat. HAR HAR). Arrived just after 9 am.

11 am, we started the ball rolling...

3 pm, break for a foot massage...

5 pm, a little snack at Kapitan Coffeeshop (with free WiFi access leh) ...

5.45 pm, prepping for the big X'mas Party tonight...

Friday, December 22, 2006

Take a Walk on the Cultural Side

Took leave (from work and of my senses), and braved the thronging crowds in Orchard Road on the last Friday before Christmas (in high heels, no less. The degree of my vanity knows no bounds).

On the insistence of a friend, I checked out the newly refurbished National Museum of Singapore. Beautiful! Both the old and the new wings were very impressive. Lots of art installations (did NOT get the Merlion-seal thingy by David Chan, so NO photos there). The swinging chandelier walkway was a nice touch. And Kurt Wenner's anamorphic artwork was really interesting.

After going through all the galleries, I filled my stomach with a very expensive roast chicken sandwich and a nice cuppa.

Satisfied, I trudged down the road to take a bus back to join the crowds at the shopping malls to fit in some last minute shopping.

Remember the National Library? Now, a gaping hole in the side of a slope...sigh...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monday night...

Already halfway through devouring the cold crab before realising that a photo of the delicacy had not been taken for posterity's excellent dinner, as anticipated. R&L, good luck and have fun in the Land of Vodka and Matryoshka Dolls! Get that spare bedroom ready for J and I in Autumn '07! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 18, 2006

Food, Glorious Food!

Fry up at Blue Spoon for breakfast...
The crabmeat linguine with spicy tomato sauce at Wild Rocket
Crusted codfish (yums!)
Excellent choice, M! Thanks for insisting on this order!

No pics of the wedding banquet on Saturday night though. But the food! Oh, the food! We certainly didn't need to look for supper after the event! :) Well done, Butler! Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 15, 2006

Merry X'mas to me!

The family of doggies guarding my office PC now... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

January 1996

“Wei, are you free on December 16th?”, he asked.

“Why?”, I queried.

“I’m getting married”, he replied by way of explanation.

So, Butler’s finally getting married. Now that I think of it, we’ve known each other ten years. Time flies.

Ten years ago, I’d packed my bags and left for the overseas posting so fast, Mum and Dad protested to the cloud of dust I kicked up on my way out the door. A month after stepping foot on this little rock, through various avenues, we’d somehow met and banded together – the merry band of gluttons, the eight of us.

Newbies to the City of Neon Lights, we explored the each other’s cramped quarters and the many attractions of the city as much as we explored the many eateries down dark alleyways and on the fourth floor of commercial buildings (with no signage on the door).

Telling ghost stories in a candle-lit living room, scaring the living daylights out of J (who subsequently reported that he got paranoid whilst showering at home in the wee hours of that morning when he got home).

CM, polishing off the entire box of biscuits on my table, but one (“Because I didn’t want to be the one finishing off everything mah!”). Thanks for that “kind” thought…

Ooh-ing and aah-ing, acting like complete village bumpkins when we first set eyes on CH’s apartment in the Midlevels. Then refusing to leave after the steamboat dinner that night (yes, L, one kati each of four different types of vegetables is really too much vegetables for eight people), camping out in his living room on various horizontal surfaces (now we know why they have so many bay windows in the apartments), steadfastly fighting off the sandman, waiting for six a.m. to arrive so we could get the first train home.

The arduous hike over “Dragon’s Back” because, like all stupid ideas, “It seemed like a good idea at the time”. Judge Drag turning up for the hike in a double-breasted blazer and dress shoes (most bizarre). Being chastised by the others for inviting Judge Drag along (sorry, guys! I needed to share the burden!).

Sallying out to sea in somebody’s company yacht, wind in our hair, squinting into the sun, looking back at the magnificent skyline of Victoria Harbour. Stumbling back ashore with sea-salt encrusted hair and a churning stomach.

Barbequing, Hong Kong-style, somewhere in the southern part of the island, in lashing wind and rain. ‘Prawn Man’ selfishly polishing off all the prawns, thereby earning himself that nickname.

Hips bashing into the wash basin whilst trying to sit down on the toilet bowl in CM’s postage stamp-sized apartment (and correspondingly cramped bathroom). Opening the lid of the rice-cooker and finding something live apparently being cultivated in there.

Eating so much at the steamboat buffet, the staff started slowing down the rate at which they served us the food. *More fish lips, anyone?* CM bringing a can of paint (as in, ICI/Nippon) along with him to the dinner, a sample from the IP infringement raid he’d just done up north across the border (the image of CM doing a police-style raid, bringing tears of mirth to our eyes).

Mixing our drinks in a KTV room, leading to much merriment, and a 3-second pause in my response to the cab-driver when asked where I wanted to go (“I want to go HOME, though I’ll be darned if I can remember where I live...”). Spending the rest of the cab ride home attempting to look sober and alert, in case Mr. Cab-Driver should get any funny ideas…

Butler calling me in the office, asking, “Wei, you coming home tonight to drink soup?”.

January 1996, I’d packed my bags and left for the overseas posting so fast, Mum and Dad protested to the cloud of dust I kicked up on my way out the door.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Woke in the middle of the nite for a pee break, and found a large black roach sauntering (rather insolently, if I might add) across the carpet. Sprayed the hell out of it, leaving it to do the dance of death across my bedroom floor.

Now I can't find where the bugger has crawled off to die.

Now I'm paranoid.

Now I have to tread carefully everywhere I go, and gingerly inspect everything I touch.

I'm never going to get any sleep now. Aarrgh.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Fun & Games

It's coming to the end of the year, and since I'm not expecting any pressies from Santa, I'm feeling compelled to get in my quota of "naughty" before the year is out.

1. Yes
2. In a way.
3. No
4. I most certainly intend to.

For those in the know, have fun figuring out the questions to THAT. :)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sigh of Relief!

It's the weekend!! *do a little dance to celebrate*

That was hopefully the last busy week of the year, work-wise (which included moments of staring at the ceiling projector bracket, jaws dropped, wondering whether the projector had eloped with the remote control, 15 minutes before the meeting was supposed to start. The hussy!). Major breakout on face due to stress...

There was a distinctly festive mood in the office (something to do with packing off the bosses to their various trips and thereafter to their respective vacations). Minor celebration in the office with bubbly and platters of different types of ham (HOW many different types of ham are there, actually??) and chicken wings (*burp*). Got a little high. *glazed over look*

Now, I'm just looking forward to the office closure at the end of the year. Heading up north for foot massages ad nauseum and endless bingeing at various mamak stalls...mmm...*slurp*!