Sunday, July 01, 2007

Back into the Wild / B&E

Rounded up the troops and we headed for the hills...haha - Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.

We took the longer, gentler route up the hill, and still ended up panting heavily on our way up. Told M we can feel virtuous tomorrow, when we wake up with our muscles screaming of pain...

The Senapang Road took us through the wooded area, and we came upon some fruit trees. Check out the King of Fruits we found along the way! M assured us we're safe as durians only fall at night...Right...I'll just swiftly scoot through the path the durian tree covers, thank you! Saw rambutans too (not quite Queen of Fruits...). Spotted a fiesty catfish in a small stream, which M believed was merely brimming over with the energy of youth ("Teenagers lah!", she says).

Thought I was in for a quiet night after the hike, but got a rude shock when I finally got a response from an elusive tenant. He'd moved out almost a year, and the agent had neglected to keep us informed!! How unprofessional is THAT?? After calling the agent and giving her an earful, I shovelled dinner down my throat, and headed out to the apartment to do a little investigation. Horrors! The spare key I have to the apartment won't open the door! Hastily contacted a locksmith, and managed to break into the apartment! *whew* Everything's more or less intact. More or less, because everything else was left neat and tidy, and yet, the sofa and dining sets are missing...what the ??? It's not as if those sets were the worth much either! Weird!

Back at home, managed to find people to take all the used furniture off our hands in very short order (more importantly, this is cost-free to us!). Feeling very achieved today...

Now I can get that good night's sleep I deserve after hiking up that bloody hill...


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