Saturday, July 14, 2007


I was so keyed up, I woke at 8 and could hardly go back to sleep thereafter. And this was after weeks of insufficient sleep (partly quantity, partly quality). Gave up after 20 minutes of determined tossing and turning. It's the weekend, so I shouldn't waste any daylight hours! :)

For my maiden solo trip, I chose Changi Village.

Wobbling around a bit at first, I worried I'd get killed before I could get there for my breakfast...Actually, on hindsight, I reckon the expressways with their light traffic is a lot easier to ride along than a full fledged traffic jam along the small roads. Especially in view of the fact that I was not used to squeezing between traffic yet.

And so, gingerly, I made my way onto the expressway, riding like I drove (that is, occupying a whole "car space"). At some points, I rode behind slow moving vehicles (all while keeping a safe distance, of course), so no impatient driver would honk me for riding too slowly (well, 80 kmph is hardly crawling on the expressway, but you know how drivers get...).

Eventually, I arrived at my destination, with a huge sigh of relief. I debated over whether to park on the pavement, as many had done. Or to do the legal thing, and park in a proper lot. I decided on the later, it being my first solo outing. Didn't need to mar it with a parking ticket (or the surreal experience of scrambling onto my bike to ride off should the "Parking Pontianaks" arrive). Then I remembered, I didn't have a parking coupon (or a pen) on me. So off I trotted to the nearest convenience store for my first booklet of coupons. 65 cts for a whole day! How to beat this kind of value?? I'm beginning to love the economy of this new lifestyle!

I rewarded myself with a hot Teh C and two slices of kaya toast. Sat and watched the world go by. Read a couple of pages of the magazine I had wisely brought with me. Aahh, this is the life!

When I had tired of the magazine I was flipping through, I got off my butt and browsed through the shops, taking some time to go through the stash at the Salvos (nothing exciting there. Shame). Shopping, as they say, is hard work. Didn't take that much to burn off the breakfast I'd just had. I decided to satisfy my craving of the past few days with the Tiong Bahru Chicken Rice (yes, located in Changi V). Mm, not recommended...

On the way to the beach, I congratulated myself for bringing along the polarized sunnies. Spotted some strange long-snouted translucent fish swimming about, causing a commotion amongst another school of red, black and white-ish coloured fish. Should've brought some bread along! Darn! Oh well, I'll be more prepared next time! Haha! This IS my maiden trip and I was fraught with nerves (she says defensively).

After walking up and down a length of the beach and failing to secure a shady bench to sit down and watch the world at play, I gave up and decided on a ride to the public library for the free aircon and some reading. When I'd had enough of THAT, I ambled over to the nearby mall, walked aimlessly about, gathered some groceries (all the while mindful of the limited storage space I had. I didn't need the extra challenges of plastic bags hanging off the handle bars while riding!) and finally headed home after a bowl of nutritious beancurdn with gula melaka. *burp*

All in, I'm happy to report to all my friends, I made it and am still in one piece!

No pics to post, as I'm still trying to figure out how to use the "new" mobile phone (borrowed from my sis) I had taken the pics with.

Word of warning to those not in the know - Went for steamboat-cum-BBQ with friends at Marina South last night. "A dining experience not to be repeated. Ever", says P resolutely. Save your pennies for Happy Pay. We shall be handing over ours much more willingly in the future.


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