And the Sun Finally Came Out to Play!
Finally, after DAYS of endless raining, the sun finally came out to play.
Naturally, I had to get out of the house. Mac was chockful of life today. Armed with a loaf of bread, I caused a feeding frenzy amongst the lampans, which lead to a feeding frenzy amongst the gurame. :) Right, food chain still working. On I go for a hike through the trail.
Nice and easy walk through the slightly muddy slippery ground, stopping for a looksee at a little salamander (?). Sorry, not exactly the wildlife expert here, but that's what it looked like. :P The little critter was just sitting on a fallen tree trunk, taking in the sun. No doubt, I was not the only one who missed the sunshine of late. Turning around to walk on and engrossed in all that was going on around me, I almost stepped onto a 2.5-footer monitor lizard, also sunning itself on the muddy forest path. Eeks!
Butterflies were out in full force, busy plant-visiting. There was even a bright blue one which landed on the wet grass around a little streamlet, probably to catch a breather after all that frantic flitting about. Up above my head, a lone bird was trilling away, evidently just as happy as I was to catch the rays that not even the noon heat could deter us from.
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