Monday, August 20, 2007

Weekend of Ouches

Fought off the cloud of despair which had descended over me in the morning (I can now officially confirm that having the door slammed in your face, even metaphorically, is painful. So boys and girls, do not try sticking your head through the sliver of a door gap, no matter how much hope is brimming over in your mind!), and forced myself off on a workout to the summit again this last day of the weekend. Seems like the heavens have decided to join me in moping around, and we hiked through a light drizzle, all the way to the top of the hill. Sitting around resting on the pavillion at the top, it started really raining down in sheets. As it didn't seem like the rain was going to end anytime soon, we decided to brave the rain and walked back down to the car. Yes, our bodies were soaked, and yes, I looked stupid with a towel covering my head. But hey, I had a dry head of hair! Yes, this was going to make ALL the difference, having a dry head of hair with a soaked body...("It's a Chinese thing, keeping the head dry", said M).
Looks like a snake bite, hor? Heh heh. Actually, it's the result of reaching out to grab a thorny vine for support...ouch!

Our usual gluttony adventures post-punishing exercise routine continues.


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