Not the rain, nor the horrid traffic situation, deterred me from going about my trawl through the shops for Project New Home (henceforth known as Proj NH).
Umbrella in hand, I checked out sanitaryware shops spied over the course of the week on the way to work ($10,000 toilet bowl, anyone???), and walked through several lighting shops in Balestier.
Yes, I already know where I want my lights to be situated around the flat. Yes, I will be retrieving the lighting fixtures from SC and installing them in Proj NH to save a couple of bucks. Yes, I know where those pendant lights will hang. However, temptations are strewn all over the place, conspiring to bust the budget for Proj NH! Spotted a couple of tempting options today. A delicate little chandelier for the walk-in wardrobe, perhaps? Maybe a nice big girly pendant lamp for the bedroom? *Decisions, decisions*
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