Monday, September 17, 2007

Grow Old With Me

It's a day Mum would probably have been very excited about - her godson finally getting hitched. A chance to get all decked up and partake in the festivities with her circle of friends.

In many ways, it was a strange wedding. We were there in attendance, representing my parents. Made nice to all the aunties and uncles, who kept asking how we were doing (ad nauseum). I don't want to sound like an ingrate, but we're all well into our 30s. How did they think we would be doing? There was a bit of confusion upon arrival, when the girls handling the guest list couldn't cross off our names correctly (DUH). Then there was a super long wait for the food after the newly weds came in (apparently, there were 3 weddings on that night, so I guess the kitchen was having a tough time coping?). There was also much waiting in between courses, and we only managed to finish dinner close to midnight!

The newlyweds did the obligatory toasting rounds around the room, whilst the parents of the newlyweds did their OWN separate toasting rounds simultaneously. Several times, there seemed to be more enthusiasm exhibited at the tables where the parents were making the rounds instead of the tables where the guests were toasting the newlyweds...and the dance floor started up in the midst of all this, with the newlyweds forgotten instead of warming up the dance floor with their first dance...

Somewhere in the midst of all this chaos, the MC made an announcement that one of the guests had lost his black wallet. And since "there's not much cash in there, so please return it to the service staff if you find it". Nice going. Calling your guests thieves...

When we finally arrived at dessert at close to midnight, everyone was just dying to get home and out of their finery. There was no wedding entourage waiting at the main door to thank guests for helping to celebrate the newlyweds' start of a new life. Instead, we all slunk off quietly into the night, wedding token of a salt-nad-pepper shaker safely tucked into our handbags...

This is, by far, the most bizarre wedding I've attended in recent years...


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