Friday, September 07, 2007

One last look around

The sale of SC was completed this week. After over 20 years in my parents' possession, we handed over the keys to the apartment this Wednesday morning. These photos were taken on my one last look around... *poof* Bricks and mortar are being demolished at the speed of light these days. And along with them, the memories that they hold...

中秋节到了!又是赏月时候!These are the chocolate truffle snowskin mooncakes W got with her employee discount. Mmm, yum yum...*slurp*

WC insisted on going on a diet during her visit to Singapore (this is SO not right!), in preparation for her coming months in Europe. So we had the sliced pomfret steamboat for dinner. A supposedly "healthy" option, until you realise there's MSG in the soup... :P
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