Saturday, May 17, 2008

Eaten Alive!

Fish therapy.

It's a new fad sweeping Singapore - fish that eat the dead skin off your feet. So what's a girl to do on a boring Tuesday night, but to get the dead skin eaten off her feet, eh?

It's a bizarre feeling. For the first 5 to 10 minutes, you actually have to get used to the feeling of having tens of little mouths nibbling away at your feet. It was all I could do to keep my feet submerged... M shrieked all the way and almost twisted our friend's arm off, while I peered curiously at the fishies who were "vacuuming" their way up my shins. Who knew I had dead skin on my shins (and between my toes)?? Eeks. They'd better be dead skin!!

There was a mad frenzy every few minutes. Who knew what was going through the minds of those little fishies?? I could get used to this...

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