Sunday, June 08, 2008

South Ridge Walk

The new South Ridge Walk - we finally got to check out the new "tree top" walk on the southern part of the island. And yes, it was impressive! Much more so than the one I spent a couple of hours trekking out to see (but that was exciting for different reasons!). Kudos to the NParks (if they're the ones who planned and constructed this whole walk) for a good job! This architectural detail similar to something once seen in Melbourne, was the start of the walk at Alexandra Arch. We started under cool winds and shady skies in the late afternoon.
View from the top. It was several stories up and pretty unnerving for those of us suffering from acrophobia. We even saw a really tall durian tree, pregnant with lots of fruits. Overheard some uncles talking about coming back in the night to wait for the durians to fall...heh heh.
Finally arriving at the beautiful wooden part of the walk after about a 40-minute easy walk (apart from having our nimbleness tested, zigzagging between the hordes of walkers and baby-strollers) - the Henderson Wave. Breath-taking views, and the kiddies were having a field day here (actually, some adults got in on the action too!).
Here's a shot of the forest and sea view from the Henderson Wave. If you could see the full panorama, I'm sure you'd agree that it was truly breath-taking (and it wasn't because we were panting from the walk there)!
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