Wednesday, January 07, 2009


It being the holidays towards the end of last year, we took the opportunity to visit an old friend after a long hiatus. Check out the ominous rainclouds blowing in just above the reservoir. Long-tailed macaques were the order of the day, providing endless photo ops for our first-time visitor.
A little shot of colour, overlooking lower Peirce.
After a long morning, we rewarded ourselves with some food from the nearby food centre. The vongole was as good as I remembered it to be. *burp* All in, a most satisfactory day out. :)
En route to our favourite Orchard Road eatery last night, we chanced upon a "bookfair" of sorts. Picked this up. 101 ways with pork belly! Geez! 2009 is going to be a busy culinary adventure for me! :P *busy clogging up the arteries*
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