Monday, March 29, 2010

Duties & Responsibilities

Clearly, I have been remiss in my blogging responsibilities. It has been almost two months since I had last put my typing skills to use in my own personal narcissistic declarations.

I blame it on many things. But mostly, I think Facebook has changed how people share the mundane minutiae of their everyday life with the rest of the disinterested world. In a blog, you might actually have to make an effort to craft some words to go with the mindless photos taken to share. On Facebook, you merely post countless photos with, at best, one-liner descriptions, or post your guilty status of having just made an impulsive (and expensive) purchase ("But it was on sale!", she protests feebly). No details required. No beautifully worded confessions of guilt and remorse. What's not to like about the ease and convenience of sharing via Facebook? It certainly appeals to the lazy bugger in me!

However, I must not forget the purpose of starting a blog in the first place - that of re-acquainting myself with the pleasure of writing. Not in a manner which is carefully considered to cover my (and the company's) ass from all angles. But in a manner which helps me remember how to express myself without sounding like a robot speaking in monotones.

*Deep breath*

So, here goes. A quick review of the events of the past two months, which have kept me paddling in a frenzied manner, busy trying to stay afloat so I can watch the ending (which will come some day).

Our new home is finally ours! Well, ALMOST. Much drama has unfolded in the recent booming property market, with our sellers being at the receiving end of some unscrupulous demands from their sellers. The gist of it is, they'll be around for a while longer, while they help us pay off our mortgage. Meanwhile, we're stealthy intruders into the condo's compound, helping ourselves to the facilities...but it's all good. We have our "treetop" home to enjoy for a while longer.

My culinary adventures continue. This crappy looking mess actually tasted pretty decent. It was my "translation" of M's "spicy tomato paste prawns" into a spicy pasta sauce. *burp*

The annual round of Lo Hei was tiresome but necessary, to bring forth hopes of much good fortune (in all aspects of one's life) in the coming Year of the Tiger! *Roar* At least, we can say we've hit our quota of veggies for the month...

It was also a month of frenzied packing and moving...on other people's behalf. This was the aftermath of a long day of wrapping and packing, Part I (there would be several more sessions to follow after this). My hands were stained by the ink from newspaper print (and my feet, from the "flood" that had invaded the house just before we started the packing exercise). All in all, tiring but satisfying. It was a good reminder to self that I should de-clutter with a vengeance before it is our turn.

The annual "dong dong cheng" to, again, bring better things in the Year of the Tiger *meow*... Hopefully, this does the trick this year, what with the minefield of office politics stretching out before us...


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