Thursday, November 29, 2007

An Innovative Idea!

A doughnut mountain! How's that for a birthday cake? A pretty damned innovative idea from Clare!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Remember the unveiling of the lady in the orange cardi a year back? The sideways pose to showcase our best side, as we were taught? The sumptious spread before us then? "Sam sum" and 4th uncle who were visiting then?

365 days have passed in the blink of an eye. And another sumptious spread is before us again. Apologies for the badly taken pics of the spread, but I was too eager to dig in! :P

Saturday, November 24, 2007


After the morning spent exploring the new connector near the airport on my bicycle, I decided to pop over to the shopping centre where I had a $50 voucher to fritter away...Think it's time to renew the wardrobe! :) Found two shops stocking funky retro dresses and tops this weekend. One near Proj NH, and another at this shopping centre. Exceedingly pleased with my new purchases...

Hmm, now. Which should I open the new week with on Monday? :)

Friday, November 23, 2007


Yippee! FINALLY done with the long-awaited last board meeting of the year! *happy jig* *BIG sigh of relief*

To celebrate, a couple of my colleagues and I took off to a "famous" nasi padang place for lunch. Check out the spread! *burp* :)

I've been looking forward to this moment for a LOOOONNNGG time. Been longing for some time away from the office and away from people in general. Funny thing for a social whore to say...

Stepping out into the night after my pilates class, this was the sight that greeted my eyes. The streets were dripping with jewel-like decorations. *Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow*

I remember this time last year, when I was similarly relieved and feeling exceedingly festive over the coming holidays. Gee, has it really been a year already? Where has all the time gone to? Well, I KNOW where the time's gone, actually. Lots to remember this year by and, thinking positively, my life's been enriched by a lot of new experiences. That, and over 100 posts! Haha!

I wonder what this blog would look like this time next year?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Back in the Swing of Things

Busy, busy, busy as a bee...

First off, I finally wrangled an invite over to CH and S's beautiful new home, after laying on the guilt on them. After over a year of planning and designing, the designer duo couple finally moved into their home with their massive collection of "all things beautiful". Naturally, I couldn't resist snapping a couple of shots of the beautiful set-ups, including the Tord Boontje lampshade (which was, at one time, under consideration as the feature lamp for Proj NH).
The clever idea of a row of bookshelves leading from the second floor void, next to the staircase, all the way to the third floor! Loads of storage and display space!
The Tord Boontje lampshade! Exquisite!
After a long hiatus, we got tickets to a play - "The Pillowman". Suspenseful, macabre, chilling, and quite an excellent psychological thriller with a twist. Good acting all around too.
And to round off a busy weekend, we met up for dinner with H and her daughter this evening, after we got rained off the last part of our hike. Disappointing food and shockingly clueless service. But I had to take a pic of the beautiful tiramisu dessert (which turned out to only be so-so in taste). Sigh. Slightly disappointing end to an otherwise very (happily) busy weekend.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Last Steps

And even though we had only interacted in the course of work, and the hierarchy between us at work was like Heaven and Earth, I shall remember the man who :-

Remembered and included us when he ordered char kway teow to be "tar pau-ed" in for his lunch

Frequently eyed the papers in disarray on my desk, demanding to know whether the meeting papers were ready and to let him have them in advance for reading as soon as they were ready

Somehow, decided I was the resident "IT expert" and kept posing me perplexing questions on the mystic workings of his ever-changing mobile phone models

Brought back little souvenirs for us from his trips abroad

Used his influence to help us out of a fix at work, and graciously accepted a cup of Wang Jiao coffee as thanks

Despite his reputation as a foodie, was never the chief complainant about any of the lunches I had catered for the meetings

Caused us small fries at the meetings much mirth, because we were convinced his "pensive pose" at the meetings were sometimes a disguise for his sneaking in a nap

For some strange reason, kept referring to me by my colleague's name

I feel privileged to join the crowd who walked these last steps of his journey with him.

Friday, November 09, 2007

The Long Sleep

Today, I heard a piece of news. It was unexpected. Yet, it wasn't.

News of a death affects me differently these days. I used to be very matter-of-fact upon receipt of such news. "Nobody can escape the long sleep", a friend once said to me. And so, what is there to lament, right? It's an event that happens to all of us, sooner or later.

These days, when I hear of a death, I think not of the event itself, but of the loss it brings. I guess this is what a life lived brings to one - perspective. When you participate in the many experiences life has to offer (some of which are simply thrust upon you, whether you like it or not), you learn how different things can look from all the different angles (especially on the "inside") . No longer standing on the sidelines, looking in as a stranger. You finally learn the full meaning of the word, "empathy".

“Every man dies - Not every man really lives.” William Ross Wallace

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.” Anon.

It's what I'm trying to do.

Festival of Lights

You know the expression, "the table was groaning under the weight of the food"? And this was always the way, when M throws a party...

In honour of the Festival of Lights, M cooked up a storm, and we ate way too much food for a weekday meal. (Too) Much alcohol was also imbibed by the non-drivers, leading to a massive hangover of proportions long-unseen (by the hostess. Haha).

Yours truly had a leisurely day following the public holiday, having had the foresight to take leave for the remaining work day of the week. Slept in, late breakfast, read the papers, ran some errands, and then headed to the new home for the deliveries scheduled today.

Check out the new still-life arrangements and the paintings cunningly hung up. :)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Courage, my friend!

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”

- Mary Anne Radmacher

Full Circle

Isn't it funny how life comes full circle sometimes?

Deja vu. Familiar surroundings, familiar cast of characters.

365 days later. A life lived.

Standing in the same spot, is not the same person. How will things pan out this time?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Made it!

Took 40 minutes of cycling at a leisurely pace to get from old home to new home, through the park connector.

Plenty of folks out on the connector on a Saturday morning, trying to get healthy or stay healthy. Boy, was I feeling virtuous...:P

Threaded my way through the joggers and the occasional cyclists, past some small parks with playgrounds and exercise equipments, along the PIE and over it (via an overhead bridge), huffed and puffed through the hilly little park beyond, and finally found my way to the bottom of my block. Helped a little old lady (funny how they always tend to be "little", hor?) to the nearby clinic (there! That's my good deed for the week, done!), then hauled the bicycle up 2 flights of stairs to my little flat. Urgh. I SO need to get some aerobic exercise into my weekly routine...

So now, the little bicycle's parked and ready for new adventures in its new home! :)