Wednesday, May 28, 2008


JA and I must be the only two creatures living in a city who has not seen the series. Ironically, we were one of the first to get preview tickets to the show...such are the little ironies of life, isn't it? Filled with lots of colourful fashion items, a groovy soundtrack, funky interiors (you can see where my priorities lie), and lots of cliched stories about love and its many incarnations, it rang true to the heart, nonetheless. Though, as fellow singletons and marrieds who live a (sometimes) relatively colourful life in the city, we certainly don't share the same wardrobe and level of drama (nor fat wallets) with these girls. A real chick flick which would have you laughing (rather hysterically, at some points), tearing (if not crying), and rooting for true lurve at the end. Gather your girlfriends. This is a MUCH more convincing ode to enduring love than "The Leap Years".
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Weekend Affair

After a fun day spent outwitting, outlasting, and attempting to bond with colleagues, we were rewarded with a weekend stay at Pulau Belakan Mati. The pool looked especially inviting, after a hot and muggy day.

Frangipani trees abound at the hotel, leaving the air heavy with its scent when one walks about the premises.

A lazy two-hour breakfast at Coastes is the ideal start to a lazy weekend affair!

Not forgetting the requisite cup of cha for our daily caffeine intake!

Told you the hotel's got abundant frangipani trees! Latticework of shadows framing a fallen flower, lining the path to the carpark on my way out.


Another view of the lovely sunset from home. Living where I do, I've been rewarded by many lovely views of the sun's statement on the end of yet another wonderous day. This was one caught while I was huffing and puffing my way home. I had recently taken to climbing the 14 flights of steps home whenever I could. It is yet another one of my token efforts to regain some level of fitness before my heart gives out from stress and old age (or just plain laziness). Makes it all worth the panting when one looks up and sees the play of light and shadow.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Warm Welcome!

The weekend brought some happy news (apart from the fact that we were having a long weekend due to Vesak Day. Heh heh). Weighing in at 3.07 kg, and a couple of weeks early is - Wesley Wong, newest addition to the Clan! "Trademark chubby cheeks and thick lips!", says the proud Daddy. Looking forward to meeting WW in the flesh soon!

On a separate note, in celebration of the long weekend (and therefore, having an extra day to recover from the "exertion"), I attempted Bukit Timah Hill early on Sunday morning. I'm happy to report to all that I didn't pass out from the steep climb up the initial stretch...must be that extra effort I'm making, climbing up and down the stairs to my flat every so often. ;P
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Eaten Alive!

Fish therapy.

It's a new fad sweeping Singapore - fish that eat the dead skin off your feet. So what's a girl to do on a boring Tuesday night, but to get the dead skin eaten off her feet, eh?

It's a bizarre feeling. For the first 5 to 10 minutes, you actually have to get used to the feeling of having tens of little mouths nibbling away at your feet. It was all I could do to keep my feet submerged... M shrieked all the way and almost twisted our friend's arm off, while I peered curiously at the fishies who were "vacuuming" their way up my shins. Who knew I had dead skin on my shins (and between my toes)?? Eeks. They'd better be dead skin!!

There was a mad frenzy every few minutes. Who knew what was going through the minds of those little fishies?? I could get used to this...

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

25 degree Celsius

In my *ahem* younger days, I could never have done this...

Walking around Keong Saik Road, checking out a new bookstore, I chanced upon "25 degree Celsius" - cafe bar cookbooks test kitchen

Huh? "Test kitchen"? Wassat??

Well, apparently, the chef decides to try out some recipes from a particular cookbook. You try, you like, you can buy the cookbook home to replicate the magic. :) The test kitchen menu looked interesting - tofu miso soup, steak marinated in two miso pastes, and a coffee pudding. All from "Harumi's Japanese Home Cooking" (Harumi Kurihara). So I sat me down at a table, and had a 3-course dinner all by myself...something I'd never have had the self-confidence to do so in my younger days (what a couple more birthdays under your belt wouldn't do for you...).

The whole meal was surprisingly light in taste, and I found the vinegary rice, topped with toasted sesame seeds, a very interesting experience for the tastebuds. I've discovered that, when you eat alone at a restaurant, with no TV or conversations with friends to distract you, you tend to pay more attention to the flavours of the meal before you. I'll certainly repeat the experience again!

25 degree Celsius
25 Keong Saik Road #01-01
Singapore 089132
t: 6327 8389
mon - sat 11am - 11pm

Sir John

It was a great concert, even if I didn't recognise half the songs sung! :P The band was good, the sound system was great, the atmosphere from the crowd around us was enthusiastic, and Sir John's piano tinkling skills were impressive!
You may not be able to see it clearly, but that little bright blob in the spotlight is Sir John! *Wave enthusiastically!* Don't need no lighters for the slow songs anymore! Waving your handphones work just as well, folks!
Full house!