Wednesday, July 02, 2008


How decadent are we? Jetted off to Shanghai for a weekend of excesses (too much eating, shopping and massages, with the occasional swim and stint in the hotel pool and sauna). It must be said that having daily massages (sometimes TWO in a day for some!) are a welcome luxury! At less than half the price we would have paid at home for the same thing, how could we resist??

It being 梅雨季节 over there right now, we endured 2 days of non-stop raining, 2 days of smog-gets-in-your-eyes days, and 1 very sunny day (which fortuitously, fell on the day we did our day trip out of the city to 朱家角 water village). The raingear which we had the foresight to bring along with us served us well. :)

Some photos to remember the trip by...



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