A wedding in this family means a good excuse for yet another knees' up. Time to catch up on the latest family goss, happenings, happy and sad events, and to tease the young ones who're bewildered by all the activity going on around them. :) This latest round, the venue was Ipoh. It was certain it would be worth the long drive up and down.
Rising early on the morning of The Day, we were greeted with fantastic views of limestone mountains rising in tandem with the buildings of Ipoh city. The same mountains that gave the city its nickname, "Little Guilin". A well-deserved alternate moniker, it was like we were looking out at a scene from a Chinese ink painting.
After a long and tiring morning spent taking endless shots of those serving, and those who were served, tea (yours truly had enough seniority to be served, yet enough good fortune not to have to part with cash for it! Haha!), we needed nourishment. What's a trip to Ipoh without a taste of the famous Ipoh Kuey Teow?? And this, apparently, is the "best in the country". We shared table with an old couple, who educated us on the highlight of the chicken and prawn kuey teow in this place - it's in the soup. Fresh and delicious, with soft smooth kuey teow!
Walking back to our cars, we came across pomelos - a specialty of Ipoh. Some came back lugging these as souvenirs. :)