Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Birthday Celebration

It's a long time since we'd gone out to "party", so to speak. But for M's mini birthday celebration before she jetted off to Spain, I wanted to depart from the usual food binge routine and so, did some serious googling in the days before.

We eventually settled on a night out with live acoustic music by the Lovejacks at Timbre @ The Arts House.

For the occasion, we got all decked up, trooped down to the riverside, and shared some pretty decent pub food in the warm and humid, non-air conditioned al fresco atmosphere. I have to say, the hand muddled Mango Mojitos went straight to our heads. It was enough for us to sing and clap along to some pretty lame Oktoberfest games before the band struck up.

But when they did, boy was it worth the effort expended! It's been a long time since I'd sat down to a night of serenading by some very competent musicians with dulcet voices, and this night brought back some very pleasant memories of being very impressed with the talent out there, outside of "Singapore Idol"...

After all that "excitement", we rounded off the night with a late supper of prata, roti john and teh si (the horlicks ice cream apparently doesn't serve late night owls like us). *burp*

Something slightly different, yet not too far from the familiar path of what we've always enjoyed.

Plans are being made...


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