Thursday, July 10, 2008


On Saturday, paid a visit to Y for a gabfest over pizza. Clare looked longingly over her own nutritious dinner at our oily, cheese-covered pizzas, for the entire night. She was eventually rewarded with a slice of her own upon finishing her own dinner.

Gleefully tucking into a little slice of heaven!
Mm-mmm! You guys made me wait for a very long time for this!
On another night, in an effort to eat more healthily, I rustled up some cha soba, supplemented by Thai Green Curry with Chicken. Satisfying! Alright, green curry isn't exactly healthy, but surely that was balanced out by the simplicity of cha soba, which should contain some healthy nutrients, being made from matcha - green tea! *comforts self*

On a different note, in a fit of retail therapy, I bought myself the new Sony Ericsson C902 5-megapixel Cyber-Shot camera...I mean, mobile phone...Hehe. These days, mobile phones no longer restrict themselves to performing their basic function of making and receiving calls. In fact, I now rely almost solely on my mobile phone's camera function for my blogging purposes, and even holiday pictures. That was the major motivation for getting a phone with a good camera. I've been exceedingly pleased with the old K800i, and this new phone is looking promising. Check out the "hair" on the flowering plant I've been cultivating on my kitchen ledge!
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At 10:23 AM , Blogger Two Hands Caricaturist and 1 cut 2 pieces Silhouette Artist said...

The food must be very nice! Yummy!

At 3:51 PM , Blogger Who cares? said...

Hairy flower? not bad.. not bad...the hp cam i mean.


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