Thursday, September 17, 2009


Left to my own devices for another evening, inspiration struck.

Our Friend is no fan of the King of Fruits. Which means, I've been deprived the entire recent durian marathon season...I've been casting longing looks at stalls packed with huge baskets of the fruit, sniffing at the aroma lingering in the air.

In spite of heatiness boiling over within my body, I could not let this opportunity pass! Carpe Diem! With Our Friend otherwise occupied this evening, I merrily acquired a box of the famed Cat Mountain durians to feast on.

The verdict? Disappointing. It's tasty and creamy alright, but a tad too light for my taste. My preference is for the pungent ones, bursting with so much flavour it's almost bitter, melting in your mouth, intoxicating your taste buds and sending your brain sensors into overdrive. With all the hype and rave reviews, I wonder if I've been conned into acquiring poor imposters? Nonetheless, I saved the two remaining seeds from the haul to freeze and to decide on manner of hoovering it in at a later date.



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