Monday, August 16, 2010

Settling in

After almost a year of waiting...

We spent the long weekend hauling countless suitcases and "body bags"-ful of our worldly possessions between The Cave and ... we haven't even got a name for the new home! For a short while, I questioned myself whether I would be able to adapt to the new home. Something I've never asked myself, in all my years of many moves. Age does all manners of strange things to a person... With time though, we've finally settled in. This is starting to feel like home. Some small gatherings have taken place, and even one home-cooked meal for a friend. Champagne was popped. Tea was drunk. Laundry was washed and hung out to dry. And now, we've "choped" our respective favourite spots in the new home for our "hanging out" activities.

And this is my current favourite "hanging out" view. :)


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