To celebrate the start of our long weekend, we trooped down to Shashlik, and feasted on Borsch soup and Chicken Kiev. It was all a quaint experience for Our Friend, but one that evokes warm memories of the place my parents used to bring us to, for a "western treat" of steak on a hotplate. Dim lights, old fashioned slightly grumpy service, and the smell of food lingering in the air. I was particularly amused that the Chicken Kiev was served with a piece of paper decoration resembling a chef's hat on what looked like the chicken's BUTT...! :) That old place is long gone now. But the memory flashbacks I get when I drive past where I guess the old restaurant used to stand along Orchard Road still brings a smile to my face.

Kick-starting the morning (well, it was noon by the time Our Friend deemed it appropriate to roll out of bed on a weekend), I'd planned ahead and shopping for stuff to make our breakfast with. It being the long weekend, a greasy, salty, sinful breakfast of fried bacon is DEFINITELY called for! The only redeeming features are the vegetables (portobello mushrooms and vine-ripened tomatoes) accompanying the greasy bacon (hey, I patted them down with paper towels first, you know!). Aah, satisfaction! And, there's more where THAT came from! :D

Ok, we tried to burn off some of the sinfully greasy becon (and some of the cabin fever) with a brisk walk round the reservoir, before hitting the local supermart for some chicken pieces to attempt this - Chicken with big dates and wine. Tasty! Now, let's see. With the long weekend ahead, what else shall I attempt? Hmm... Where can I get me some yellow wine?? *-)
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